Master all areas of your life by learning how to apply affective yet simple tools in your daily life that will help you elevate your being, make better choices, unlearn destructive behavior patterns and replace them with new ones that serve you, your relationships and your purpose.
Möchtet ihr...
Eine tiefe, erfüllende Intimität kultivieren, die allen Ebenen eures Seins anspricht- Körper, energetische, Herz- und Seelen-Ebene?
Eure se.xuelle Anziehung und Drive langfristig stark halten, sodass eure Leidenschaft und Lust immer stärker wird anstatt abzuschwächen?
Kommunikations-Tools erlernen, um eure Bedürfnisse und Wünsche in der Intimität klarer auszudrücken?
Lernen wie ihr eure multiorgasmische Fähigkeit entwickeln könnt, um längere, intensivere Ganzkörperorgasmen zu erleben?
Tantrische Tools lernen, die euch ermöglichen eure se.xuelle Energie zum ganzen Körper zu bringen?
Ängste, Blockaden, Traumata rund um Se.xualität überwinden?

You will learn how you can
Cultivate a strong and fulfilling relationship to yourself
Regulate your emotions
Apply the trigger management tool
Change your self-limiting and critical inner dialogue to a powerful self fulfilling prophecy
Apply powerful embodiment practices that elevate your being and energy
Create fulfilling and uplifting relationships
Kostenloses Erstgespräch
In einem Erstsgespräch erforschen und besprechen wir gemeinsam welche Veränderung ihr in eure Beziehung und Intimität herbeiführen möchtet.
Massgeschneidertes Programm
Anschliessend erarbeite ich ein Coaching Programm, das auf eure individuellen Bedürfnisse und Hindernissen abgestimmt ist.
Tantra Online Kurs Integriert
Parallel zum Coaching habt ihr die Möglichkeit den Sensual Tantra Online Kurs zu machen, was ich sehr empfehle.
So könnt ihr den Kurs mit einer Begleitung durchlaufen und offene Fragen, entstandene Schwierigkeiten in der nächsten Coaching Session besprechen.
Kontaktiert mich jetzt, um ein kostenloses Erstgespräch zu vereinbaren.

This course will help you do that by
bringing consciousness to that what is unconscious
releasing stuck energies from your body
tools and strategies how you can take control and shift things that aren’t serving you
develop a loving relationship to yourself
becoming aware of how you can create amazing relationships
creating a future vision of who you want to be

Einzel Session
1 x 2 Stunden Session
Optional: Sensual Tantra Online Kurs mit 25% Rabatt kaufen (Fr.209.- statt Fr.279.-)
3 Sessions
3 x 2 Stunden Sessions
Optional: Sensual Tantra Online Kurs zum halben Preis kaufbar (Fr.139.- statt Fr.279.-)
5 Sessions
5 x 2 Stunden Sessions
Sensual Tantra Online Kurs geschenkt (Wert Fr.279.-)

Ananda (Instructor)
Tantra teacher, tantra masseuse
Ananda is the founder of Ananda Essence and the organizer of the Tantra Festival Switzerland. With great dedication she has dedicated herself to the teachings of tantra. She has been teaching tantra in Switzerland and South Africa since 2021 and accompanies people on their personal path of transformation.
In the Sensual Tantra weekend workshops, evening events and the online course, Ananda conveys the profound philosophy, practices and rituals of tantra. Her own journey of healing has shown her the life-changing effects of tantra. From this experience she draws her passion to share this knowledge with others. For her, tantra is a spiritual path that helps us to become more present, to transform old conditioning and to discover our true essence. The result is a deeper and more nurturing connection to yourself and others.
Thanks to her training in trauma therapy, Ananda has in-depth knowledge of trauma symptoms, early warning signs and tools for regulation. This knowledge flows into her courses and creates a safe space for profound processes. For her, it is a top priority that the participants in their events feel safe and supported while they go through their individual process in this protected space.
It is Ananda's great honor and pleasure to accompany people on their personal path of growth and transformation. She is happy to be at your side to support you in exploring your inner essence and making it bloom.

Education and Training
4 cycle seminar with Aneesha from "Tantra Living and Loving" - 2016 - Entlebuch, Switzerland
Tantra massage training with Aneesha from "Tantra Life and Love" - 2016 - Switzerland
ISTA Level 1 - 2016 - Ängsbacka, Sweden
200 Hours Yoga Teachers Training in Hatha and Ashtanga with Upaya Yoga - 2017 - India
Highden Mystery School- 6 week intensive training on “Soul Initiation” - 2018 - New Zealand
Spiritual Sexual Healing Arts Practitioner Training - 2020 - Tribal Tantra, Koh Phangan Thailand
Transformation week according to Robert Betz - 2015 - Germany
"The Work" seminar after Byron Katie - 2016 - Zurich, Switzerland
Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner Training - Uster, Switzerland - 2020
Vipassana according to Goenka - 2016, 2018 and 2019 - Sri Lanka and South Africa
Trauma therapy at IPW Winterthur - 2021