Earlybird bis 10.05.!
A deep transformative plant medicine experience, that will fundamentally shift
your intimacy.
Do you want to expand your lovemaking way beyond just the physical realm?
Do you want to feel your own energy and your partner's energy intensely during lovemaking?
Do you want to deepen your intimacy in a profound way?
Do you want to experience a spiritual sacred union?
Then this workshop is for you!
This is a powerful exploration of intimacy with the plant of the Grandfather, taking your intimacy into other realms.
What to expect
The Grandfather brings you fully in the now. Learn to fully drop into the Journey, forgetting the destination.
Furthermore the medicine opens up your channels to experience your own energy and the energy of your partner on a profound level - connecting heart, sex and spirit and bringing them into union within yourself and together.
Experience the pulsation of lifeforce energy in ways you might have thought are not possible - potential to experience heart orgasms, fullbody energetic orgasms or even the kundalini awakening.
Everything is possible.
The result is a deep sense of arriving in your body, an expanded heart and feeling a deep connection with your partner.
San Pedro opens the door to profound connection. Once you have experienced that, the transmission and knowledge can then be brought into all areas of your lovemaking without the help of plant medicine.

The Workshop Structure
We will start the weekend on Saturday morning with introduction, intention setting, creating a safe space together & guided meditation.
We will then take the medicine and spend some time in nature, bring movement into our body to help our bodies integrate the medicine.
After that we’ll guide you into energetic practices - first with yourself, then with your partner. We will raise the energy, explore and play with it.
You will learn how to penetrate energetically.
If you wish to explore your lovemaking further, the option is available to do so in one of the private rooms, or in the workshop space.
On Sunday morning we will take time to integrate the experience and received gifts.

Prerequisites for this Event
This retreat is for couples only, and all exercises will be with your own partner
You have some experience with either tantric workshops or temples
You have some experience with plant medicine (not necessarily San Pedro)
Your guides Ananda and Lenerd will transmit this to you in a very practical hands on way.

Dates & Times
08. - 09. Juni 2024
Saturday 9.30 to 23:00
Sunday 10.00 to13.00
will be communicated
Food & Accommodation
During the plantmedicine journey there will be fruits and lights snacks available.
In the late evening we will serve dinner.
In the morning breakfast will be served.
There are 3 different rooms available with mattresses (Pfadiheim). If you wish to have more privacy, you're welcome to bring your tent.
Energy Exchange
Earlybird Price until Mai 10th: Fr.445.- per Person
Normal Price: Fr.495.- per Person
Included in the price:
workshop with 2 experienced facilitators
the meals
The Earlybird Price applies if the transaction is made at the latest on the last day of the Earlybird.
*Refund policy
- up to 1 month before the start of the course: full refund
- up to 2 weeks before the start of the course: 50% refund
- up to 1 week before the start of the course: 25% refund
- from 48 hours before the start of the course: no refund
- You are allowed to find another couple that can take your place at the workshop.

Tantrika,Tantra Lehrerin, Tantra Masseurin
Ananda ist die Gründerin von Ananda Essence und die Organisatorin des Tantra Festivals Switzerland. Mit großer Hingabe hat sie sich der Lehre des Tantra verschrieben. Seit 2021 unterrichtet sie Tantra in der Schweiz und in Südafrika und begleitet Menschen auf ihrem persönlichen Transformationsweg.
In den Sensual Tantra Wochenendworkshops, Abendveranstaltungen und dem Online-Kurs vermittelt Ananda die tiefgreifende Philosophie, Praktiken und Rituale des Tantra. Ihre eigene Reise des Heilungsweges hat ihr gezeigt, welche lebensverändernde Wirkung Tantra haben kann. Aus dieser Erfahrung schöpft sie ihre Leidenschaft, dieses Wissen mit anderen zu teilen. Für sie ist Tantra ein spiritueller Weg, der uns hilft, mehr in die Präsenz zu kommen, alte Konditionierungen zu transformieren und unsere wahre Essenz zu entdecken. Das Ergebnis ist eine tiefere und nährende Verbindung zu sich selbst und anderen.
Dank ihrer Ausbildung in Traumatherapie verfügt Ananda über fundiertes Wissen zu Traumasymptomen, Frühwarnzeichen und Tools zur Regulation. Dieses Wissen fließt in ihre Kurse ein und schafft einen sicheren Raum für tiefgreifende Prozesse. Für sie hat es oberste Priorität, dass sich die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer in ihren Veranstaltungen geborgen und unterstützt fühlen, während sie ihren individuellen Prozess in diesem geschützten Raum durchlaufen.
Es ist Ananda eine große Ehre und Freude, Menschen auf ihrem persönlichen Weg des Wachstums und der Transformation zu begleiten. Sie steht gerne zur Seite, um sie dabei zu unterstützen, ihre innere Essenz zu erkunden und zum Erblühen zu bringen.

Ihre Aus- und Weiterbildungen
Life Trust Coach bei Veid Lindau - 2023 bis 2024 - Online Ausbildung
Traumatherapie an der IPW Winterthur - 2021 bis 2022
Spiritual Se.xual Healing Arts Practitioner Training - 2020 - Tribal Tantra, Thailand
Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner Training - 2020 - Schweiz
Highden Mystery School- 6 Wochen Intensive Training zu “Soul Initiation & Sacred Se.xuality” - 2018 - New Zealand
200 Stunden Yoga Teachers Training in Hatha und Ashtanga mit Upaya Yoga - 2017 - Indien
4 Zyklen Seminar bei Aneesha von "Tantra Leben und Lieben" - 2016 - Schweiz
Tantra Massage Ausbildung bei Aneesha von "Tantra Leben und Lieben" - 2016 - Schweiz
ISTA Level 1 - 2016 - Ängsbacka, Schweden
"The Work" Seminar nach Byron Katie - 2016 - Zürich, Schweiz
Transformationswoche nach Robert Betz - 2015 - Deutschland
Vipassana nach Goenka - 2016, 2018 und 2019 - Sri Lanka und Süd Afrika
Bachelor in Primary School Education - 2011 bis 2014 - Kreuzlingen, Schweiz

Author of JUMP! Facilitator, Sexual Mastery Coach

Lenerd achieved success in the business corporate world at a relatively young age. Then in 2013 after a big internal shift, he resigned as CEO of an insurance company in Cape Town South Africa. He sold and gave away most of his possessions and bought a backpack and a one way ticket to Lima in Peru. This started a five year journey of exploration and learning around the world. He visited five continents and 35 countries. His next destination was always the next most powerful learning opportunity he could find. He underwent and partook in numerous initiations, rituals, workshops and trainings across many areas, but specifically in spirituality and sexuality
His passion is vibrant and fully expressed sexuality. His wish is for everyone to be fully connected to their own life force energy without any shame, fear or guilt. He wants men and women to be on the journey of integrating their masculine and feminine energies within themselves. His dream is a a world of deep connection. Based on his own 20 year journey of being a multi orgasmic man, he would love for all men to explore this beautiful expansive potential.
His memoir JUMP! – an epic soul and sex adventure was published in 2019 in South Africa. It covers his countless, colourful and deep learnings in a light, fun and easy to read way. It won the Literary Titan Silver Awards in December 2019 and reached the number 2 on Amazon in the category spiritual/religious/travel in early 2020.
For more info see: www.lenerdlouw.com