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Beginne deine Reise zu Selbsterkenntnis, Heilung & Transformation deiner Intimität und Beziehungen! 


Experience your relationship and intimacy with yourself and others in a completely new way?

Learn to become more conscious of yourself, your relationships and your life?

Experience practices that activate and elevate your energetic body?

Develop a high level of self-acceptance, self-confidence and self-love?

Let go of self-sabotaging patterns?

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Podcast: die nackte Wahrheit über Körperarbeit

Mehr als 1000 Menschen begleitet

Dounia- Verkäuferin


Dounia hatte eine starke soziale Phobie und hat Kontakt und Nähe zu Menschen vermieden. Sie hat 1 Jahr lang gewartet bis sie bereit war dieses Thema mit Tantra anzugehen.



Dounia stellte sich ihren Ängsten und gewann Schritt für Schritt Vertrauen und Leichtigkeit im Kontakt zu anderen. Sie  entwickelte sich von einer Person die Nähe vermied, zu jemand der Kuscheln mag.

Max- Ingenieur


Max war früher in seiner Intimität sehr zielgesteuert und verpasste dabei den Moment zu geniessen.


Tantra hat ihn gelehrt präsenter zu sein, sich und seine Partnerin besser zu spüren. Er erlebt seine Intimität heute reichhaltiger und tiefer.

Nina- Produktmanagerin


Nina fühlte sich aufgrund vergangener Erfahrungen nicht ganz frei in ihrer Intimität.



Nina konnte ihre traumatischen Erlebnisse in der Intimität dank Tantra aufarbeiten. Zudem erlebt sie nach dem Kurs mehr Vertrauen und Verbundenheit zu ihrem Partner in der Intimität.


Deine Vorteile bei Ananda Essence

  • Ananda schafft einen sicheren Raum für Heilung und Transformation

  • Ihre fundierte Kenntnisse über Trauma und ihre Folgestörungen ermöglicht ihr einen traumasensitiven Raum zu halten

  • Ananda legt einen grossen Wert das Herz und die Herzensenergie in ihre Räume zu bringen.

  • Wachstum und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung auf einer ganzheitlichen, nachhaltigen Ebene


  • Mar 08, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – Mar 09, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
    Gesundungsraum, Obere Zäune 14, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
    Erhalte eine authentische Einführung in die tantrische Lebensweise, die eine Vision von Intimität als Tor zum Erwachen, sowie zu einer tieferen Selbstverbindung vermittelt. Für Singles und Paare.
  • Mar 14, 2025, 2:00 p.m. – Mar 16, 2025, 12:00 p.m.
    Zürich, Mutschellenstrasse 114, 8038 Zürich, Schweiz
    You are invited to join us for 3 days of inspiring workshops, as an incredible team of top facilitators of Tantra, Shamanism, Yoga & Conscious Movement offer you the opportunity to explore and celebrate life in ways you may have never imagined possible! Tickets:
  • Apr 05, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – Apr 06, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
    Zurich, Frankentalerstrasse 55, 8049 Zurich, Switzerland
    Deepen your knowledge of the tantric arts with rituals, meditations and massages. Experience more heart, energy and depth in the encounter with yourself and others. For singles and couples.
  • Apr 19, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – Apr 20, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
    Gesundungsraum, Obere Zäune 14, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
    Dieser Kurs wird eure Intimität fundamental zu einer ganzheitlichen und reicheren Erfahrung transformieren, indem ihr mit allen Ebenen eures Seins in Verbindung geht und multiorgasmische Fähigkeiten entwickelt.​
  • May 03, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – May 04, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
    Zurich, Frankentalerstrasse 55, 8049 Zurich, Switzerland
    Deepen your knowledge of the tantric arts with rituals, meditations and massages. Experience more heart, energy and depth in the encounter with yourself and others. For singles and couples.

Über Ananda

Hello, I'm Ananda!

As the founder of Ananda Essence and organizer of the Tantra Festival Switzerland, I have dedicated myself to teaching tantra with great devotion. I have been teaching Tantra since 2021 and accompanying people on their personal transformation path.

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Sensual Tantra Beginner 2023

"For me, the Sensual Tantra workshop was so enriching, fulfilling, and healing... Finding words to describe the experience is difficult for me. Even now, just recalling it, I can feel my body becoming alive, joyful, grateful, and sensitive. Until now, I often felt a sense of functioning or closing off when thinking about or experiencing sexuality/sexual energy. I had a sense that there was so much more possible, and breaking out of my comfort zone, engaging in contact, showing myself, opening up, saying no, perceiving and setting boundaries, deeply connecting, breathing – these are all keys to encountering and perceiving myself, allowing for healing, giving and receiving equally, all in a state of intentionlessness. Wow, this is activating the flow of life force. Thank you for your wonderful, sensitive, and enthusiastic way of holding and shaping the energy in this workshop."

Zurich Tantra Festival
Zurich Tantra Festival
Mar 14, 2025, 2:00 p.m.


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Sensual Tantra Beginner

  • Do you long to get to know and accept yourself more deeply?

  • Do you struggle to feel and communicate your boundaries?

  • Would you like to learn how to awaken your energy body?

  • Would you like to learn to feel and expand your heart more?

  • Do you long for fulfilling and nourishing intimacy?


Art of Tantric Intimacy für Paare

  • Do you long to feel your body better?

  • Do you have the feeling that your life energy is not fully flowing?

  • Would you like to experience the healing quality of intentional touch?

  • Would you like to learn the spiritual and healing practice of Tantra Massage?

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Sensual Tantra Advanced

  • Do you long to experience holistic intimacy?

  • Would you like to be able to understand and navigate your external relationships better?

  • Would you like to recognize and resolve hindering relationship patterns?

  • Would you like to experience the nourishing quality of heart encounters at the Sensual Heart Temple?

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Evening Events

tantra zürich tantra massage schweiz tantra online kurs
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Sensual Heart Temple

  • Do you sometimes feel disconnected or empty in your  intimacy?

  • Are you afraid of connection and encounters?

  • Do you want to discover holistic intimacy in a new way?

  • Do you long to get to know yourself deeper?

  • Are you really missing nourishing encounters that go into depth?


Sensual Tantra Introduction

  • Do you want to find out what Tantra is really about?

  • Are you bored with superficial encounters?

  • Do you have a longing to get to know yourself deeper?

  • Would you like to experience encounters of a completely different kind?

tantra zürich tantra massage schweiz tantra online kurs


Sensual Heart Temple 2023

"Thank you very much for the lovely evening. You have created a wonderful space. I really appreciate how you guide it with clarity, calmness, and gentleness. The time is a bit tight, but it's alright. It's also nice to pause when things get interesting."



Introduction Price



partner exercises


8 modules

20 hours of video

audio for download

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I am deeply moved by the exercises and what they evoke within me. They elevate my vibration, and the skills are integrated and deepened. Thank you for your authenticity, for your openness and enthusiasm... your presence. Thank you also for allowing us to go through the course at our own pace.

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